Producer Licensing Requirements
Unlimited Lines Resident Producer Licensing Requirements
This Producer must submit to the South Carolina Department of Insurance the following original documents:
1. License fee of $20 2. S.C. Application for Individual License, Form No. 3506 3. Exam Report from Experior Assessments 4. 40 hour Pre-Licensing Certificate, Form 3536 5. SLED Report. This report is obtained from the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division either by submitting a written request or through their website. The fee for this report is $25. The address, telephone number, and the website is as follows: SLED Attn: Central Records Depository Post Office Box 21398 4400 Broad River Road Columbia, SC 29221 (803) 737-9000 If a written request, please submit a stamped self-addressed envelope. PLEASE DO NOT SEND S.C. DEPT. OF INSURANCE LICENSING PAPERWORK TO SLED.
1. License fee of $20 2. S.C. Application for Individual License, Form No. 3506 3. Exam Report from Experior Assessments 4. 40 hour Pre-Licensing Certificate, Form 3536 5. SLED Report. This report is obtained from the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division either by submitting a written request or through their website. The fee for this report is $25. The address, telephone number, and the website is as follows:
SLED Attn: Central Records Depository Post Office Box 21398 4400 Broad River Road Columbia, SC 29221 (803) 737-9000
If a written request, please submit a stamped self-addressed envelope.
If previously licensed as a resident in another state, a letter of clearance is required. If applying for Variable Contracts, then proof of Series 6 or 7 must be provided. Currently we are accepting a copy of the CRD Print Screen showing passage of the appropriate exam.
Unlimited Lines Non-Resident Producer Licensing Requirements
1. License fee of $20 2. S.C. Application for Individual License, Form No. 3506 3. Home State Letter of Certification
If applying for Variable Contracts, then proof of Series 6 or 7 must be provided. Currently we are accepting a copy the CRD Print Screen showing passage of the appropriate exam.
Unlimited Lines Producer Appointment Requirements
The sponsoring insurer must submit to the South Carolina Department of Insurance the following original documents:
1. Appointment fee for Local Producers is $40 2. Appointment fee for General Producers is $100 3. S.C. Appointment Form, Form No. 3505
Limited Lines Resident Producer Licensing Requirements
The Sponsoring Insurer must submit to the South Carolina Department of Insurance the following original documents:
1. License/Appointment fee of $40 2. S.C. Application for Individual License, Form No. 3506 3. S.C. Appointment Form, Form No. 3505 4. Exam Report from Experior Assessments, if applicable 5. 40 hour Pre-Licensing Certificate, Form 3536, if applicable 6. SLED Report. This report is obtained from the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division either by submitting a written request or through their website. The fee for this report is $25. The address, telephone number, and the website is as follows: SLED Attn: Central Records Depository Post Office Box 21398 4400 Broad River Road Columbia, SC 29221 (803) 737-9000
1. License/Appointment fee of $40 2. S.C. Application for Individual License, Form No. 3506 3. S.C. Appointment Form, Form No. 3505 4. Exam Report from Experior Assessments, if applicable 5. 40 hour Pre-Licensing Certificate, Form 3536, if applicable 6. SLED Report. This report is obtained from the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division either by submitting a written request or through their website. The fee for this report is $25. The address, telephone number, and the website is as follows:
If licensing a title producer, Form 3600 (Financial Interest Disclosure Form) must be submitted. If previously licensed as a resident in another state, a letter of clearance is required.
Limited Lines Non-Resident Producer Licensing Requirements
1. License fee of $40 2. S.C. Appointment Form, Form No. 3505 3. S.C. Application for Individual License, Form 3506 4. Home State Letter of Certification
If licensing a title producer, Form 3600 (Financial Interest Disclosure Form) must be submitted.
Requirements for Cancellation of a Producer Appointment
Insurers must submit to the South Carolina Department of Insurance the following original document:
S.C. Termination Form, Form No. 3505
License, Appointment and Renewal Fees
Renewal Dates for Unlimited Lines Producer Appointments and Limited Lines Producer License and Appointment is September 1st of even numbered years. Renewal Fee is the same as the Appointment Fee.